Former North Command Burial Unit with the Military Rabbinate and himself a volunteer with the Organization, VP - Beit Yaakov Seminary for Teachers in Tel Aviv, Special Projects Manager at Hevra Kadisha Tel Aviv, a member and activitist at several education and charity organizations. Since 2009, serving as the CEO of the Organization
Former officer of the 9th Company, Military Rabbinate, a public figure with decades' work in education, one of the founders of the Organization and himself a volunteer since its inception; heads the Association
Chief Rabbi
Chief Rabbi of the City of Bat Yam and member of Israel's Chief Rabbinate Council. Rabbi of the Tel Aviv - Yaffo Hevra Kadisha. Lieutenant Colonel (Res.), advisor to the IDF Chief Rabbi on identification issues. Former Inspector, Israel Police. Advisor to the Rabbinical Center of Europe on burial. Served for many years as the representative of the Chief Rabbis of Israel at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine. One of the founders of the Organization who has served as a member of Management since its inception, currently serving as the Chief Rabbi of the Organization
One of the founders of the Organization and its commander since its inception, Deputy Chief M, chairman of the Security Officers' Association, member of management - Hevra Kadisha Tel Aviv Yaffo, and Head of Emergency and Security Division - City of Bnei Brak
Former officer of the 9th Company, Military Rabbinate, founder of the Neighborhood Guard - City of Bnei Brak, former Volunteer Unit Commander - Traffic Police, Bnei Brak, Deputy Commander of ZAKA Unit since its inception
Former police Chief Superintendant, former Israel Police Tel Aviv District Rabbi and Israel Police Deputy Chief Rabbi, a public figure and a known figure in the courts of the great Rabbis
Member of the Gur Hassidim Hevra Kadisha in Bnei Brak, a ZAKA Tel Aviv volunteer, leader of the "Menuha Behavod" project - burial of human remains from the Institute of Forensic Medicine for five years, known as a charitable man involved in many other charitable activities.